
Recommendations for Aging in Place in Any Home from Experts

Aging in place refers to the process of adapting one’s home to ensure it is safe and comfortable for continued living as one grows older. This requires a series of home improvements to accommodate changing needs, which can seem overwhelming, but it is often more cost-effective than moving to an …

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Local heating company offers advice before the cold season

Chicago Furnace Repair

Firewood sales are surging, but consumers are also turning to regular furnaces to offset the high price of traditional energy sources this winter. It will be to your advantage to make sure your furnace is running at peak performance to keep costs down since furnaces consume a lot of energy. …

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Crypto wallets: What you need to know

From Coinbase to PayPal, crypto owners have more options than ever for safely securing their digital currency. Crypto wallets: What you need to know Buy Crypto: https://coinbase.com/join/schust_49?src=ios-link

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The Lead Federal Agency Responding to Protesters in Portland Employs Thousands of Private Contractors

Congress needs to shine a light on the use of private security firms, including ‘Blackwater’ legacy companies, in Trump’s response to ongoing civil rights protests The Trump administration’s deployment of federal law enforcers in Portland, Oregon, as part of a supposed effort to protect government property has prompted at least …

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You’re setting fires in the streets?

“You’re setting fires in the streets? No, that’s violence. That’s violent. Get out of my way” A woman demands to be let through the street, which protesters have blockaded near the precinct #Portland #PortlandProtests pic.twitter.com/wAiZfJcotf— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) September 7, 2020

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Your Journey Starts with a Good (bnb) Idea!

BnBidea.com is the new online platform for the rental of your accommodations. It is now possible to try this site for free, without any obligations! What makes BnBidea different. The rental is not regulated by the site. They only establish the contact between the owner and the traveler. All conditions …

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